Monday, June 17, 2013


Saying Good-bye to Grampa & Gramma was tough. They were so fun to have around for almost 4 months! How lucky we were to have their joy and help! Here G-pa is posing with C after he aerated our lawn with these primitive spiked shoes:)

Gramma is sewing curtains for Cecilia's sleeping porch

These two embraced the Boise Foothills!
They hiked almost every day while in Boise.

We were all rewarded with this sweet view on our last hike together- Baby owls!

Happy Hikers

Cecilia entertaining her brother

May Day tee-pee party (Gramma's tee-pees are on display:)

Atticus just finished his first solid dinner & is contemplating the experience

Staring contest

Omnipotent Atticus

Laying in the leaves

Dustin & Lindsay's Wedding Day!

Cecilia's ballet recital

Oma visited for 8 days! What a relief she brought us all! SO much love and so much support.
This picture was taken right before her and Cecilia went off for a very special sleepover.

The funny faces of Atticus

Cecilia & Ayva

Cecilia's newest skills:
climbing trees
pumping on a swing